The supply of honey to consumers: the case of the city of Zárate (Buenos Aires, Argentina)




quality, Regional origin, honey retail, Zarate city, honey market


In countries with large honey production, such as China, Turkey and Argentina, part of the production is exported, and part is sold on the domestic market. In Argentina this segment is small, compared to that of other large producers. However, it achieves a very different profitability for the beekeeper than bulk export, if it is done with its own fractionation or through cooperatives. The sale of honey in the territory of production is carried out through authorized businesses, and/or informally (the beekeepers themselves sell directly to the consumer), and contributes to the local economy, generating retention of labor in rural or periurban. The amount of honey that a beekeeper can market within his area of residence may be limited, since it competes with the supply of large and medium-sized distributors. In order for producers to access a broader consumer public, it is essential to know how the product is offered in the territory and to design superior commercial strategies. In the district of Zárate (Buenos Aires, Argentina), there are beekeepers who market their honey locally, competing with the offer of centralized distributors, who supply large outlets and do not incorporate the contribution of the territory. In this paper we carry out a case analysis focused on the city of Zarate by surveying all the products called honey, or with the mention of honey-based food, in different businesses on the main shopping streets.


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How to Cite

Tobler, A. S., & Basilio, A. M. (2023). The supply of honey to consumers: the case of the city of Zárate (Buenos Aires, Argentina). EUNK Revista Científica De Abejas Y Apicultores, 2(1), 19–27.