Sensory profile and Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) as tools for evaluating the sensory characteristics of honey




assessors, CATA, consumers, descriptive sensory analysis, honey


Argentina is one of the world's largest producers of honey. There is a great geographical diversity that allows producing honey with varied sensory characteristics. To stand out in the market, it is useful for beekeepers to know the sensory description of their honey. The quantitative descriptive method is indicated for this purpose. However, it is costly and time-consuming. Alternative methods have been proposed, with the participation of consumers, such as the Check all that apply (CATA) method. In this work, the relevance of using the CATA method for the sensory description of honey was analyzed compared to quantitative descriptive method. Five kinds of honey of different floral and geographical origins were studied. The quantitative descriptive analysis was performed by a panel of eight selected and trained members; 75 consumers participated in the CATA. Similar results were obtained when honey and descriptive sensory attributes were represented. However, the trained assessors were more accurate and gave a more precise and complete description of the smell and aroma of the samples analyzed. The CATA method is considered to be an adequate but insufficient approximation to replace the panel of assessors when a more punctual sensory description is required.


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Author Biography

Lucia Magali Arias, National Technological University

orcid ID 0000-0001-5174-485X


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How to Cite

Ciappini, M. C., & Arias, L. M. (2023). Sensory profile and Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) as tools for evaluating the sensory characteristics of honey. EUNK Revista Científica De Abejas Y Apicultores, 2(1), 28–37.

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