Honey consumption choice drivers in Cuyo, Argentina





honey consumption, values, intention to purchase, short circuits, intermediate cities


This paper focuses on the consumption of honeys in the Cuyo region. We consider that it is important to recover a view that works in a related way the consumption and production systems anchored in the territory. Thus, in view of the generalized situation of a country that exports most of its production, it is important to recover what happens with the consumption of this product in the interior of the country in one that is marginal to the country's production. During the year 2021, virtual discussion groups were carried out in order to inquire about the consumption of honeys with people who were consumers in the periurban areas of Cuyo. Thus, this work has a strong exploratory component that allows us to recover both observable and non-observable aspects of honey consumption. We worked both on the systematization material of the focus groups and on a socio-demographic questionnaire that each participant individually answered at the end of the collective work session. Regarding the main results, we observed consumption levels higher than those identified by the national average and other reference studies in the interior of the country. Likewise, we recognize that honey is established as a product that is sensitive to intersectional aspects: education, gender and income. Likewise, with respect to the possibility of thinking of it linked to the territorial production system, the resignification of the idea of proximity stands out. That is to say, we are not only referring to physical proximity and proximity to production (less intermediaries), but also to proximity by sought-after attributes. Precisely, we find that honey is consolidated as a product of multiple uses. That is to say, a diverse use of honeys predominates, standing out among the main uses both as a spread and for medicinal purposes. And here comes into play the nature-society link that is established and the search to think of systems of characterization of honeys that can provide useful information to strengthen a dialogue between the honey consumption and production sectors.


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How to Cite

Andrieu, J., & Tello, D. (2024). Honey consumption choice drivers in Cuyo, Argentina. EUNK Revista Científica De Abejas Y Apicultores, 3(1), 10–24. https://doi.org/10.52559/eunk.v3i1.51



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